Introduction Floissac, Du Boulay & Thomas in Saint Lucia offers an annual internship in honour of one of our founding members, the former Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and Privy Counsellor, the late The Right...
In an era where a tweet can go viral in seconds and a Facebook post can reach millions in milliseconds, the line between free speech and defamation is increasingly blurred. Social media has emerged as a modern-day battleground...
The importance of birth registration cannot be over emphasised. A birth certificate, the by-product of birth registration, unlocks access to various services both in Saint Lucia and overseas. However, the registration practices in Saint Lucia have resulted in...
Introduction Floissac, Du Boulay & Thomas in Saint Lucia offers an annual internship in honour of one of our founding members, the former Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and Privy Counsellor, the late The Right...
Many Saint Lucians enjoy dual citizenship or have rights of permanent residence in other states. Similarly, many non-nationals enjoy rights of residency here in Saint Lucia. In those circumstances, if you are thinking of filing for divorce, do...